P.A.W.S - Puerto Rico Animal Welfare Society
We love a happy ending. It's why we do what we do. Below are some connections that will melt your heart. Thank you for all the kind and wonderful souls who have made such a difference in the lives of these animals. We couldn't do it without you.
Here is a happy success story. "Heart" was found starving and alone on Borinquen Beach. She had a terrible skin condition and needed a lot of TLC to come back to health. But come back she did and she is living with and loved by her very own humans.
Aqui hay un exito feliz. "Heart" se encontro abandonada, hambrienta y con una condicion seria de la piel. Le hacia falta mucho tratamiento medico, cuidado y carino para volver a la salud. Pero si volvio y ahora vive contenta con su propi.
Arrow and Mattie
These pups were adopted from PAWS in May. Here's a picture of them as there were adopted by their new parents. Here is their story: They were the only survivors of a litter of 6- all practically identical- dropped out at Pozo Teodoro beach in Isabela when they were only two months old in January. They were all traumatized and wouldn't let us touch them. We were feeding and watering them but one was weak and sickly and died, two were hit by cars on the road right away and another died later.
After it was just the two of them they became super bonded and dependent on one another. By April we (at last! ) were able to gain there trust. We took them to be spayed/neutered and they finally decided they wanted to live with humans. This lovely couple from the states saw them and fell in love. They are all sure to live happily ever after !
We call this lovely young dog Dorita. She was abandoned at the end the coast road in Isabela. Dori was malnourished, afraid and pregnant. One puppy survived and PAWS found "Hippo" a home. She is seen in the picture gallery on the Home page. Dori is a very happy "spay and release" dog. She lives free with her best friend- a neutered male named Chapo. They are fed by people in the condominiums and they join two of our volunteers on thier mountain bike rides every Saturday and Sunday.
PluToo was one of a litter of six that were born in the brush along the road at Golondrinas in Isabela. The entire litter was way too skittish to be touched but thier mother was friendly. We finally managed to tranquilize them so we could transport them to be spayed. That was 11 years ago. They lived happily out there and were fed and watered by volunteers regularly. A very successful "spay & release" This old lady is still running along side of us as we ride by on our bikes !
A Caring Mother
One of our PAWS pups came back in for the third and final set of vaccines. We wish you well little one. You have a loving Mom !